“Aspiring Failures” follows Spence Hermann (Drake Aasen) and Skye Hermann (Bella Falcone) returning home, only to be greeted by an unexpected surprise: they have inherited both the house and family business. Suddenly thrown into adulthood and faced with unforeseen responsibilities, the twins find themselves scrambling to adapt. With rent due and the difficult task of managing the family’s skate shop, Spence and Skye urgently seek roommates to share rent and navigate the challenges of maintaining their newfound responsibilities.

Written & directed by: Madison Schraw

Produced by: Maya Harwood & Drake Aasen

Starring: Drake Aasen, Bella Falcone, Samiyah Allen-Graham, Tyler Lindquist, & Chuck Sams

More information coming soon. Follow Aspiring Failures on Instagram @apsiringfailures